

问题 regarding CPL can be directed to the Vice President 教务主任 电话:(785)460-5403或通过 电子邮件.


生活经历 is learning that has not been transcripted by a regularly accredited 高等教育机构. 为了鼓励和帮助学生完成学位, mg摆脱超级大奖视频可能会根据生活经验授予大学学分. 被授予 终身学分必须满足以下要求:

  • All students seeking life credit must be enrolled at CCC and have declared a degree 客观的 that is either an Associate of Applied Science or Certificate of Completion. 
  • 生活经历 will not be awarded for general education classes due to non-transferability. 
  • Students seeking 生活经历 must provide validated documentation stating the knowledge, skills, and/or dates of employment when experience was gained. 失败 提供此类证据将导致不予批准. 如果要求,学生必须能够 向指定方证明熟练程度. 
  • 副总统 教务主任 with the responsible program director will 审核并批准或不批准生活经验学分的申请. 
  • 学生必须在CCC完成至少15个学分,累计2个学分.以前的GPA为0 将获得生活经验积分. 要获得任何学位,学生都必须学习 至少15个小时的学分,并有累计2.mg摆脱超级大奖视频的平均绩点0分. 
  • No student will be awarded more than 12 hours of Life Experience Credit through Colby 社区学院. 
  • All 生活经历 must be paid for (tuition only) before the credits will 他补充到他们的文字记录中. 
  • Any questions regarding 生活经历 should be directed to the Vice President 教务主任.


A student who is enrolled in regular semester classes or a prospective student who subsequently enrolls in 12 credit hours at mg摆脱超级大奖视频 may be permitted 通过考试获得大学学分. 学生必须 have the necessary qualifications, and the course must be approved by faculty in the 纪律及学部主席须经考试取得学分资格. 副总统 教务处给予最终批准.

A maximum of 24 hours of credit by examination courses will quality for credit toward 从CCC毕业. 学分将通过考试课程获得 学生在CCC成功修满12个学分后. 

A student indicating background knowledge in a college course offered by Colby Community College may contact the appropriate division chairperson to obtain information on 审查信贷. 学生必须向教务处副校长请愿 通过考试获得学分. 如果学生符合下列条件,将不获考试学分 has previously received credit for a more advanced course in the same discipline. 

每次考试将收取$15的考试费,恕不退还. 学生 will be required to be enrolled in the class for which he/she desires credit and pay 现行学杂费标准费率. 考试费和学杂费 必须在考试前交学生会计处.

 Following successful completion of 12 credit hours at CCC and successful completion of the examination, a grade of "CR" (credit) will be recorded 在文字记录中 for 学生申请通过考试获得学分的课程. 这是责任 of the student to contact the transfer institution to determine its policy on institutional 通过考试课程获得学分.


mg摆脱超级大奖视频 will accept credit for CLEP subject 考试 provided the student has successfully completed the exam(s) and has requested that credit be placed on 成绩单. 经批准的CLEP科目考试列表可在注册官处找到 办公室. 

学生有权利 ask that the results of the CLEP exam not be included 在文字记录中, and the exam will not be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Credits received for CLEP 考试 may not be used for financial assistance 资格. 

If the student does choose to include a CLEP Exam, 成绩单 will indicate the 考试用来获得学分. 学分将在成绩单上注明 “P”表示“及格”成绩,并将计入毕业要求. 

mg摆脱超级大奖视频不保证转学 of any credits received 通过CLEP考试. 学生将获得与所修课程相当的学分 如本政策所示,由CCC提供. 

学生必须 complete 15 credit hours at CCC before any CLEP credits can be placed 在文字记录中. 最多可以包括从CLEP考试中获得的12个学分 在成绩单上记入学分. 

The college will not require additional testing to verify the results of a CLEP exam. 

mg摆脱超级大奖视频不是考试场地. 学生将支付所有相关费用 管理CLEP考试.


mg摆脱超级大奖视频奖励军事训练和经验. 评价 is based on recommendations given in "A Guide to the 评价 of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services" published by the American Council on Education as these recommendations 适用于学生学位课程. 学分将在成绩单上加上 “P”代表“及格”,并将计入毕业要求. 

Students must provide documentation of completion of training and of assignment to 军事职责. 请确保所有以前的教育成绩单:DD-295, DD-214, Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS), Coast Guard Institute 成绩单, and Sailor/Marine/ American Council on Education Registry (SMART) 是否及时提交评估. ……是学生的责任 确保所有成绩单都提交给注册主任. 

Academic credit earned for courses appearing on an official transcript from a regionally-accredited college will be evaluated according to college policies and accepted subject to the approval 教务处副主席的职位. 转换学分是基于不同的 unit of credit than the one utilized by CCC are subject to conversion before being transferred. Only the official transcript and course evaluations performed by the Vice President 学术事务是最终的. 学校人员的任何初步评估都是非官方的,不是 具有约束力,并可随时更改.

  • All students must be enrolled in at least six hours at CCC and have declared a degree 客观的.
  • 副总统 教务主任 will review, and if applicable, seek advice from the responsible division chair and/or from full-time faculty to approve or disapprove 军事信贷.
  • Students must complete at least 15 credit hours at CCC with at least a "C" before 将获得军事学分.


mg摆脱超级大奖视频 will accept credit for 大学先修课程考试s provided that the student has successfully completed the exam(s) and has requested that credit be 放在成绩单上. 学生有责任要求所有的考试 结果将送交书记官长. 书记官长将与有关部门联系 和/或项目主席决定信贷资格. 学生有权利 ask that the results of the 大学先修课程考试 not be included 在文字记录中, 在这种情况下,考试不能用来满足毕业要求. 自然 科学考试不能满足实验室科学的要求.

Credits received for 大学先修课程考试s may not be used for financial assistance 资格. If a student does choose to include an 大学先修课程考试, 成绩单 会注明是通过哪门考试获得学分的. 学生也可以任选其一 a letter grade based on the equivalency sheets on file in the 注册处 or P代表“及格.学生将获得与课程相当的学分 由mg摆脱超级大奖视频提供,根据当前目录显示.

学生必须 complete 15 credit hours at mg摆脱超级大奖视频 before any Advanced 实习学分将记入成绩单. 每名学生的投注不得超过 12 credit hours on his/her transcript for credit earned by taking Advanced Placement 考试. The college will not require additional testing to verify the results of an 大学先修课程考试. 学生将支付与管理有关的所有费用 大学先修课程考试. mg摆脱超级大奖视频不保证转学 通过AP考试获得的学分.



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(785) 460-5509